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Pubg mobile pc download 64 bit windows 10

However, its developers by means of their own platform called Tencent Gaming Buddy now offer us a version of the game which is basically a PC adaptation of the mobile edition, PUBG Mobile.

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PUBG has its own official version for PC that we can download from Steam. Tencent PUBG Emulator for PC: the mobile version for Windows simply action between humans, although there are common elements such as the possibility to build alliances between players, for instance. Unlike its main rival, PUBG offers us a much more realistic environment and plenty of action without monsters or zombies of any kind. Or Fortnite intents to battle against PUBG because this game developed by the Chinese company Tencent was released before the all-versus-all title published by Epic Games.

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It's a battle royale shooter that intends to put up a fight against Fortnite.

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PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, usually abbreviated as PUBG, is one of the most popular games as of lately.

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